
Donate now

“All donations $2 and above are tax deductible.” 

Make a Donation Direct Credit Bank Transfer or By Cheque

By direct credit bank transfer:

BSB:  032 729
Account No:  162035

By Cheque:

Office of the Anglican Bishop to the ADF
Box 7915

If making a donation by direct credit, please contact us here and tell us of your donation, so that we can identify you and send you a receipt.

Why Donate?

Christian giving has its foundation in the nature of God. 

God is a wonderfully generous God who calls us to be like Him, for us to be generous. 

God pours out blessing upon blessing – health, housing, food, sunshine, rain and, most graciously and sacrificially, eternal life for all who believe through Jesus’ death on the cross.

The Anglican Military Outreach and Service (AMOS) Foundation is a vehicle through which you can partner with God in His ministry to the Australian Defence Force. 

AMOS goals are to financially support the comfort, welfare, and education of ADF members and their families and to support and enable Anglican Chaplains to minister to Defence Force members and their families more effectively.

As many of the denominational activities undertaken by the Bishop are not funded by the Commonwealth, your generous gift will both enhance and extend the Church’s mission and ministry to service personnel both overseas and at home.

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Defence Anglicans